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Gallery - Artwork

Keep Me Close

Keep Me Close - Acrylic on 8x10 inch canvas. "And I always think of you at midnight between the stillness of my soul and the pounding of my heart" N R Hart

The Night Queen

The Night Queen - Acrylic on 8x10 inch canvas


Seance - Acrylic on 6x8 inch canvas "Since the day they told me he was gone Haunts me faithfully from dusk till dawn Hear him whisper sweetly in my ear Can’t you see we got a good thing here" - Ghost Story, Charming Disaster

Moon Maiden

Moon Maiden - Acrylic on 8x10 inch canvas

Clockwork Valentine

Clockwork Valentine - Acrylic on 8x10 Inch Canvas Art Nouveau inspired steampunk portrait Model Reference - Shutterstock

Wings of Night

Wings of Night - Acrylic on 6x8 inch Canvas


Toadstools - Sally Jacob - Acrylic on 8x10 inch canvas

Fallen Star

"Fallen Star" - Sally Jacob - Acrylic on 8x10 inch Canvas “From which stars have we fallen to meet each other here?” - Friedrich Nietzsche Model reference: Shutterstock


"Caged" - Acrylic on 8x10 inch Canvas “Men have hitherto treated women like birds which have strayed down to them from the heights; as something more delicate, more fragile, more savage, stranger, sweeter, soulful – but as something which has to be caged up so that it shall not fly away.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil Model Reference - Shutterstock

Behind The Mask

"Behind The Mask" - Acrylic on 8x10 inch Canvas The masks we all wear, some are more a part of us than others. Model reference - Shuttershock

Crowned With Stars

Crowned With Stars - Acrylic on 6x8 inch canvas

Crow Witch

Crow Witch - Acrylic on 8x10 inch canvas


Peculiarity - Acrylic on 8x10 inch canvas, this little 1920s witch was inspired by a Halloween sketch


Acrylic on 8x10 inch canvas. Portraits available on commission

My Heart

"My Heart" - Acrylic on 8x10 inch canvas. A little piece of how I'm feeling right now with the world in a surreal state of lockdown. "Can't turn away the darkness, so instead I hold you tight" Blacksnake by Charming Disaster


Lilith - Acrylic on 8x8 inch canvas


"Alone" - Acrylic on 8x10 inch Canvas. Inspired by Miss Havisham and her lost love. "I have always been drawn to tattered and worn things, they remind me of my soul" - LL Musings. Available from Calvaria Gallery and Studio, New Jersey, USA


"Luna" - Acrylic on 8x10 inch canvas. This was created for the Full Moon Art Show at La Bodega Gallery. I thought I would create a little goddess of the moon.

Make A Wish

"Make A Wish" - Acrylic on 8x10 inch Canvas Created for "Superstition" at Penumbra Gallery. this is the spirit of a wishing well, slightly tricky and not entirely to be trusted, she likes collecting shiny coins. "What is this waking me down in the deep, Voice like a silver coin, rings in my sleep" - Wishing Well, Charming Disaster


"Butterflies" - Acrylic on 8X10 Inch Canvas. Created for "Anatomica" at Calvaria Gallery. "I have to remind myself to breathe, almost to remind my heart to beat" - Emily Bronte, Wuthering Heights

Oyster Courtesan

"Oyster Courtesan" - acrylic on 8x10 inch canvas. Created for the dark Alice in Wonderland themed "How Long is Forever" show at Penumbra Gallery, this is my take on the oysters that appear in the walrus and the carpenter - I've gone down the Victorian Courtesan route.


"Persephone"- Acrylic on 8x10 inch canvas. “Do not worry about your contradictions - Persephone is both floral maiden and queen of death. You, too, can be both.” ― Nichole McElhaney, A Sisterhood of Thorns and Vengeance


Thorns - Acrylic on 8x10 inch canvas. "It's so much safer not to feel, not to let the world touch me" - Sylvia Plath

Somewhere Beyond

Somewhere Beyond - Acrylic on 8x10 inch Canvas. Created for the 2018 Mermaid Art Show at La Bodega Gallery, San Diego. I wanted to create a dark mer creature.


Medusa - Acrylic on 8x10 inch canvas board. thology Medusa was cursed by Athena after she was raped by Poseidon in Athena’s temple. Cursed to have snakes for hair and turn men to stone with a glance. However, there is a theory that Medusa was a more ancient local goddess, taken over by the more modern religion of the ancient Greeks. I wanted to depict her as the powerful goddess that she once was. Model reference ps:// Model: Elisabeth Lewis


Lenore - Acrylic on 8x10 inch canvas. created for the Edgar Allan Poe show at the Hive Gallery, LA. Model reference:


"Secrets" - Acrylic on 8x8 inch canvas board. This was created for Femme Fatale at The Hive Gallery in LA. Model reference Maria Amanda @ Deviant Art.


"Enchantment" - Acrylic on 10x10 canvas. Created for the Perfect 10 Show at La Bodega Gallery in San Diego. Enchantment was based around the idea of a witch in a Victorian opium den casting her spells.


Andromeda - Acrylic on 10x12 inch canvas. Painted for the Zodiac and Astrology Show at La Bodega Gallery in San Diego, USA. She is based on the Lost Zodiac and the sign of Andromeda, the "chained maiden"

Strange Magic

Strange Magic, Acrylic on 8x10 Canvas Board. Created for the Zombie Circus Show at Hive Gallery, LA.

By Candlelight

By Candlelight - Acrylic on 12x16 inch canvas. She was inspired by the old masters (for the Obra Prima exhibition at Penumbra Gallery) and represents loss and the fragility of the things we love.


"Stranded" - acrylic on 10x12 inch canvas board. Painted for the GoGA COastlines show.

In Darkness

In Darkness - Acrylic on 12x16 canvas. Painted for the La Bodega Pin Up Girl Show, inspired by the 1920s, and of course the moon.

strange shadows

Strange Shadows - my interpretation of a Rusalka, a Russian water spirit. Rusalka are the spirits of women who died a violent death, they haunt lakes, rivers, ponds and marshes. Often, they try to ambush humans and are known to drag men to their watery deaths. Acrylic on canvas.


Forgotten - (Sold) acrylic on 12x16 canvas. Painted for the La Bodega Gallery Mermaid Art Show.

Phantoms Lowbrow Gothic Art

Phantoms, Created for the GoGA Art Collective "Wildlife" Auction. Based on the Celtic Goddess The Morrigan, with some of her associated animals.

Fallen Angel lowbrow art

Fallen Angel - Acrylic on 5x7 inch Canvas Board.

Briar Rose Steampunk Lowbrow Art

Briar Rose - Inspired by the fairy tale, more the original darker version, and I've put my own spin on her waking up to find thorns and roses growing out of her skin.

Repairs lowbrow art

Repairs was created for an online art auction with the theme of "wings". I wanted to create a piece with the idea that we can all repair our own wings when they break.


Sorrow - Magpies are known to collect treasure, they can be good luck or bad luck.

sugar skull

Sugar Skull - 5x7 inch acrylic on canvas board, gothic day of the dead sugar skull portrait

hidden eye

Hidden Eye - Eye and Magpie Wing, tiny canvas. Inspired by Lover's Eye paintings of the 18th and 19th Century.

watching you

Watching You - 5X7 inch panting of an eye surrounded by moths. Inspired by Lover's Eye paintings of the 18th and 19th Century.

Release Me

Release Me - An Art Nouveau inspired steampunk art piece, a slightly different slant on my previous paintings involving moths.


Bound - Inspired by feelings of being trapped and restricted, but like the moths wanting to escape.

the gilded cage

The Gilded Cage - This painting was inspired by a feeling of being trapped.


Silenced - A postcard I painted for the Black Swan Arts 10000 postcards exhibition, part of my on-going series involving moths.

the deep

The Deep - A postcard I painted for the Black Swan Arts 10000 postcards exhibition.


Waiting - This painting was inspired by a selection of legends, I had been researching various water spirits and this is the result. Mostly influenced by the Rusalka, ghosts of young women who live under water, with my trademark steampunk twist.

the white doe

The White Doe - My slightly steampunk inspired painting of the fairy tale "the white doe". In the fairy tale a princess is cursed to turn into a white doe when the sunlight touches her.

after midnight

After Midnight - A steampunk take on the Cinderella story. This is what happens after midnight.


Broken - This cute little steampunk faery has broken wings.

brother and sister

Brother and Sister - This image was created for the Serious Request fairy tale book. I was given the fairy tale of "brother and sister" to illustrate and this is the result. I was also lucky enough that my image was used for the cover art.

nothing but today

Nothing But Today - My steampunk inspired interpretation of " Little Red Riding hood", as you can see, in my version she had tamed the wolf!

where you left me

Where You Left me - A cute little vintage mermaid sits on the sea floor, listening to underwater jazz and wondering what life is like of the surface.

until the sun begins to rise

Until the Sun Begins to Rise - This painting was inspired by one of my favourite poems, Tennyson's " The Lady of Shalott". Although I have added a steampunk faery twist to it.

the midnight oil

The Midnight Oil - Named because it really did take me ages to paint. It's been a while since I worked on a painting directly inspired by another artist, this one is a steampunk version of "The Sorceress" by Waterhouse.

tea in the parlour

Tea in the Parlour - a cute little red haired mermaid has put on her best hat to take tea in the underwater ruins.

time keeps ticking

Time Keeps Ticking - a faery with clockwork wings waits under the clock on a stormy humid day with a dark city behind her.

shadows of the world

Shadows of the World - Inspired by a line in "The lady of Shalott" this steampunk mermaid collects treasure from the world she cannot inhabit.

nothing left

Nothing Left - melancholy mechanical faery stands among the columns of a grand building.

traces of my mistakes

Traces of my Mistakes - This little steampunk carnivale creature is not sure if she's running away to join the circus or running away from the circus.

behind her eyes

Behind Her Eyes - A winter scene and a sense of loss.

these waters deep

These Waters Deep - There is the distinct possibility that this cute little innocent mermaid has just caused that ship in the background some mischief!

on stolen time web

On Stolen Time - This steampunk faery is the guardian of the house.

the coming of winter

The Coming of Winter - painted as a Christmas card, this little icy faery sits in the snow.


Twilight - a cute red-haired mermaid sits on the rocks in the twilight.

morgan le fay

Morgan le Fay - my take on Morgan le Fay of Arthurian legend.

falling stars

Falling Stars - a cute little fairy sits in a night sky watching the shooting stars.


Introspection - This faery represents introspection and inner exploration.

because you're mine

Because You're Mine - This cute little faery is in love and she is determined to get what she wants!

heartsick web

Heartsick - Has this heartsick fae just cast a love spell?


Perhaps - Where all possibilities can manifest.

elanya the faery scryer

Elanya the Faery Scryer - partly inspired by "The Lady of Shalott", this faery sits at her scrying mirror looking for visions of the past and future.

elanya the enchantress

Elanya the Enchantress - This is a faery who is full of magic, also partly inspired by "The Lady of Shalott", she is weaving her web.

gothic mermaid

Gothic Mermaid - My first mermaid!


Peri - named after the Turkish name for fairy, this painting combines two of my hobbies.

storm faery

Storm Faery - inspired by a dream, this faery wears a dress made of storms.

The art of Sally Jacob

Sally Jacob

visual artist 


accessories designer

the punk faery artworks

© 2015 by Sally Jacob.

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